3 Surprising Ways To Make Money From Digital PD Workshops

Dec 21, 2024
3 Surprising Ways To Make Money From Digital PD Workshops

When I first started creating digital professional development (PD) workshops, my main goal was simple: to help teachers. But over time, I discovered these workshops could be so much more. They’ve not only transformed how I work but also how I’ve grown my business. If you’re an education consultant wondering whether creating a digital PD course is worth the effort, let me share three surprising ways I’ve used mine—and how they’ve paid off far beyond my expectations.


1. Selling Directly to Teachers via Sales Funnels

This one might not be entirely surprising, but it’s worth diving into because of how impactful it’s been. Over the years, I’ve built sales funnels that sell my digital PD courses directly to teachers. These automated systems now work around the clock, allowing me to reach educators without being physically present or trading time for money.

Here’s the kicker: I’ve made over $180,000 selling my digital PD workshops this way. That’s six figures—from courses I created once and refined over time—being sold to teachers who are excited to invest in their professional growth.

What makes this possible? It’s the scalability of digital PD. You create something valuable, just like you’re doing time and time again for your consulting clients, and then use a sales funnel to market it to the right audience. The funnel handles everything: emails, landing pages, and even checkout. Once it’s set up, the system works for you, generating consistent revenue. I personally use Kajabi for everything that I do, the landing pages, sending every email, and hosting my course.

If you’re worried about the tech, I get it—it’s overwhelming at first. But trust me, the effort pays off. The best part? Once the funnel is running smoothly, you can focus on other parts of your business or, you know, enjoy a weekend off.


2. Offering Options for Clients

Sometimes, districts or organizations are looking for flexible professional development solutions that teachers can access asynchronously and offering teachers various PD options so they can select PD that feels like it resonates with them and their professional goals. In these cases, my digital PD workshops become the perfect answer.

For example, one of my clients pays me $5,000 every year for access to my programs. Teachers in her organization can register for my workshops for free, using a link I provide, whenever they want. That’s $5,000 in revenue—every year—without any additional work on my end.

Other contracts specify that if a teacher from a district requests access to my course, all I need to do is invoice the district for payment. This arrangement is quick and seamless. The district gets high-quality PD, teachers get the resources they need, and I get paid with minimal effort.

This model offers incredible flexibility. You can work with clients who have different budgets and needs, and your digital PD becomes a versatile solution. Whether it’s a flat annual fee or a per-teacher arrangement, you’re building a stream of income that’s passive.


3. Using Digital PD as a Bonus for Launching a Book

When I was preparing to launch my book, Teaching 6-12 Math Intervention, I wanted to create buzz and encourage preorders. That’s when I had the idea to repurpose one of my best-selling digital PD workshops as a preorder bonus. Anyone who preordered my book got free access to the workshop.

The result? My book became an Amazon best-seller in all three of its categories during launch weekend.

This strategy worked for a few reasons. First, it added immense value to the preorder—buyers weren’t just getting a book; they were getting a professional development experience to go with it. Second, it leveraged something I had already created, so there was no extra work involved. Finally, it positioned me as an authority in my niche, making the book launch even more successful.

If you’re an education consultant with plans to write a book or create other resources, think about how your digital PD workshops can enhance those projects. They’re not just stand-alone products; they’re assets you can repurpose and integrate into other parts of your business.


Why This Matters for You

Each of these examples highlights the power of digital PD workshops to create flexibility and freedom in your business. They’re scalable, versatile, and can be used in ways you might not initially expect. Whether you’re selling directly to teachers, partnering with districts, or using them to amplify other projects, digital PD workshops are a game-changer.

But let’s be honest: getting started can feel daunting. The tech, the marketing, the content creation—it’s a lot to figure out. That’s why I’ve created a resource to help you.

Ready to Start Your Digital PD Journey?

If you’re an education consultant who’s tired of trading time for money and looking for more freedom and flexibility, I have something for you: my free guide, 10 Strategies for Starting & Scaling Your Digital PD Business.

This guide covers everything you need to:

  • Turn your expertise into a digital PD workshop.
  • Build a system that generates consistent revenue.
  • Scale your business without burning out.

Click here to download the guide now!

Creating digital PD workshops has transformed my business and my life. It’s given me the freedom to spend more time with my family, the flexibility to work on my terms, and the income to grow my impact. If you’re ready to take the leap, this guide is your first step. Let’s make it happen!


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